Saturday, April 11, 2009

Shifts & Changes

The longer I am raw, the more shifts and changes I experience in almost every aspect of my life. It seems that my emotions, my thoughts, and my dreams are much more intense too. I am certainly much happier and relaxed now than I have ever been. Even my husband has noticed and told me it makes him happy to see me so happy. He has commented that maybe he will try more of this "eating raw thing" so he can get a little of the peace I seem to be experiencing.

I am not at a point where I am willing to say that eating 100% raw foods is life changing, but I will say that there seems to be a lot of changes going on and not just with my physical body. I have had some very powerful dreams, visions and feelings that seem to suggest that I am being called to something new in my life. There is a spiritual element that is guiding these changes and I have decided that whatever comes I will accept. It is like every molecule in my body is changing and as a result, who I am also is changing. It also seems that I can connect with my own spirit and Higher Self more easily and things just flow smoothly as a result.

Sometimes it seems that my Higher Self is screaming at me to just listen. With everything else that goes on in my life, I don't always pay attention when I am being spoken to. So on Friday I decided to fast. It was Good Friday and it just seemed an appropriate time to fast, reflect and meditate. I can't say anything was revealed to me, but it was a good fast and I think I will try to incorporate another day or two of fasting into my week ahead. I could stand more time just listening instead of jumping to the next thing to do.

There also seems to be a new kind of synchronicity to the events and people in my life now. People and things just seem to show up just as I need them. It sort of proves my decades old mantra that "everything I need comes to me." It just happens more quickly now and I see that I don't need to worry or stress about things like I used to do.

Yes, there is a lot more peace in my life as a result of eating raw and I see that I can really thrive like this. It would be hard to turn back to eating SAD after this. I believe that eating raw is going to be my lifestyle for the rest of my life.

On Friday:
Fasted until 7:30 pm.
Supper: Green salad with romaine lettuce, avocado, green bell peppers, celery, cucumber and Italian dressing with apple cider vinegar, olive oil and various herbs and spices.
On Saturday:
Breakfast: Power balls.
Lunch: a handful of almonds and some carrots, celery and green pepper strips.
Supper: Just a few marinated mushrooms and a couple of olives. Not really hungry.

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