Friday, May 22, 2009


It is Memorial Day weekend in the US. It is one of our quieter holidays where we remember those who have passed, especially our service men and women. I drove up to my mother's gravesite on Thursday and planted a pretty array of flowers that would have pleased her very much. Putting flowers on the graves was a tradition we honored every year together when she was alive. It seems peculiar to be doing it for her and not with her.

On my way back home from that task, I spent part of the 2 hour drive on the phone with my nephew from California. He is hosting a big party this weekend and tried to convince me to just hop on a plane and have a weekend adventure at his house. I knew it was a crazy idea and that there was no way we would be going, but then he got my husband on the phone and convinced him that we should do this. After a while, my husband talked me into it...and then changed his mind!

So after that little roller coaster ride of excitement, we are not going anywhere and I am disappointed as we really didn't make any plans for the holiday weekend. In fact, it is our anniversary and we didn't even think to dream up any excitement for ourselves!

It doesn't help matters that over the past several days I have been hearing about the travel plans for several friends and family members. They have ranged from India, Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Mexico, and China, to Alaska and Canada. I guess not everyone is experiencing a recession!

But it got me to thinking about how I would manage such a trip while staying raw. It would definitely take a strong commitment and careful planning to do it. Angela Stokes and Matt Monarch travel the world and stay raw, but for a newbie like me, it might be a bit of a stretch.

On Thursday I had:
  • Breakfast: Green smoothie of apple, orange, banana, and Swiss chard.
  • Lunch: A few power balls.
  • Supper: My broccoli/bok choy salad.
On Friday I fasted until evening and then had:
  • Supper: Lettuce wraps with romaine, avocado, red bell pepper, tomato, sprouts and dulse.

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