Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fasting Day

I decided to do a 24 hour fast today. Sometimes I need to just step back and see what I am doing and fasting is a great way to do that. I also wanted to try to take off a couple of stubborn pounds as I approach my 90 day mark.

I used to fast more when I was younger and go for longer periods of time, but I can't do that anymore. Now I do 24 hours going from the evening of one day until the evening of the next. That is enough for me to feel real hunger and to gain some insight both physically and spiritually.

So I took it easy today...took a long, hot bath to keep warm, read a book and drank lots of water. Then around 7 pm I had my supper. I really enjoy the days when I do this. It seems to calm my mind and body in a way that gives me a very peaceful sense of well-being.

Here's what I had today:
Fasted until 7 pm, then had lettuce wraps with romaine, avocado, tomatoes, dulse, and sprouts.

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