Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 14

It has now been 2 weeks of being 100% raw, gluten and dairy-free for me. It is as if I have stepped over a threshold into a new dimension. Someone asked me today what I substituted for bread. I hadn't given it the first thought. Bread is something I have simply left behind.

It really is a different paradigm being 100% raw. Even when I was 80-90% it wasn't like this. There is a peace and a tranquility about being this way that gives me a completely different view of the world. There is a spirituality that is emerging that is not like what I have experienced before. I have always been a spiritual person, but this is something far beyond what I have known previously. I am accutely aware of my body now and how the spirit dwells in the body.

I have always done deep breathing exercises and meditation right before I go to bed, but now I "tune into" my spirit and the meditations have become much more enlightened. I am beginning to sense what my spirit needs and I am listening to and for those needs. I have a strong sense that I am being guided down this path and that I can trust what I am being given. For all the years of practicing yoga and studying with Indian gurus, nothing compares to this!

On the physical side, I have now released 8 lbs. in 14 days. I am extremely pleased with this progress! While I don't see much difference, I can certainly feel it in my clothes and in how my body feels. It is worth everything to feel like this. I am also noticing how much clearer my thought process is. I am able to focus on things, and solutions to problems are just popping into my mind.

This feels like a state of grace. I have heard that term before, but never really knew what is was. I find I guard this state of grace very carefully. Like an alcoholic, I stay completely away from too much temptation, knowing that I am only one bite from falling back into a dark hole of overeating and binging on junk foods. This success is too precious to gamble with.

During these 14 days, I have had one person who has been a rock of support for me. She is another woman who has decided to follow her own council and is achieving great things. But now we are four. Two other people have decided to join us and I am thrilled to have this little group of committed souls to share the journey.

Today I ate:
Breakfast: Green smoothie with 2 bananas, a pear, a cup of frozed blueberries, collard greens and a big fistful of spinach.
Lunch: Big salad with red leaf lettuce, spinach, tomato, carrots, celery, red bell pepper, mushrooms, sunflower seeds and a dressing of sun-dried tomato, pecans, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and basil.
Supper: A "tomato soup"...whole tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, some baby carrots, sunflower seeds, garlic, basil, and lemon all thrown into the VitaMix and blended. I also had a flax seed cracker as some "bread!"


Irmagination said...

I found your blog, through Doll's blog and I have to tell you I am thoroughly enjoy your writing.

I too, am embarking on a self-realization journey. Currently, I am seeking a way of eating that will benefit myself, other creatures, and the earth.

I am on day 15th of a 30 day challenge of eating raw for breakfast and lunch on weekdays(eating vegan the rest of the time). At this midpoint of my challenge, I am finding that this way of eating is something I want to make permanent in my life and I am really getting inspiration and motivation from your blog.

So, count me as one of your followers, as you go down the raw food path. You a little ahead, and me following, picking up tips and pointers along the way.

Thanks for sharing your journey with the rest of us.


Karen Schlesinger said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I read your blogs and was touched by what you had written as well. This is the most extraordinary experience I have ever had in my life. The wonders of being raw are blossoming in my life every day and I never want to go back to the pain and misery of eating SAD again. I am so happy that I have inspired you. It is my intention that others will be inspired to take this journey. It can change our lives and our planet. What a wonderful thing that would be!