Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 7

It is just after midnight but I wanted to note that it has been a full week now of 100% raw, no gluten, no dairy for me. This is a big leap forward on my path to recapturing my health.

Today was much more difficult than the first 6 days. I am not sure why but I woke up feeling achy and tired this morning. I slept well, so that doesn't explain why I felt the way I did. I also noticed feeling light-headed and dizzy throughout the day. My nose was constantly running as well. Perhaps my body is starting to show some signs of detoxification. I am not concerned about any of it as I think it will probably pass soon enough.

I also faced the challenge of my family's supper tonight. My daughter made a big cooked meal for her and my husband, which left the fridge full of leftovers. The smells became so overpowering that I finally retreated to the bedroom for several hours. It is one thing to eat raw and know all the benefits, but to have to smell some of my favorite foods being cooked is quite another.

I also fell behind on my meals today and was particularly hungry this evening. I recognize this as a dangerous situation for me and promptly made a salad to keep me on the straight and narrow. I need to pay close attention to the time of day that I eat my meals. I have a real tendancy to eat more at night unless I have had 3 meals earlier in the day that have left me satisfied.

Here is what I ate today:
Breakfast: 1 banana, 1 apple chopped up with sunflower seeds, pecans, raisins, a few goji berries, chia seeds, and almond milk.
Lunch: 2 zucchinis spiralized into spaghetti noodles with "alfredo" sauce...pine nuts, macademia nuts, lemon juice, garlic and a few spices.
Late supper: Large salad with arugula, Jerusalem artichokes, sunflower seeds, lemon juice and olive oil.

As I look at this, I can see that I depended too much on nuts and seeds today instead of fruits and vegetables. Well, I can work on that for tomorrow.

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