Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 6

It has now been 6 whole days of eating 100% raw and I am feeling great! This is not the longest I have been raw, but it certainly has been the easiest. Perhaps that is because I have finally figured out what works for me. Not everyone would agree with what I am doing, but I have found out through lots of trial and error what I need to do for me. A few of my dear buddies have asked what I am doing, so over on the right is My Own Plan. You may have seen it all before, but this is the combination of "rules" that is sustaining me right now. My plan may change as time goes on, as I am willing to keep looking for the best solutions to my particular circumstances.

Some people may ask why on earth am I doing this. Well, it's like this: it works. In the course of my adult lifetime, I have been on pills, fasts, powdered drinks, and dozens of diet plans. The end result is that I continued to gain weight and my health deteriorated. There had to be another way. I have known about the raw vegan lifestyle for many years but couldn't seem to make it work for me. I always believed it was the ultimate food plan. In the past few months I have made a concerted effort to become a raw vegan and now have seen a tremendous change in my body. My weight is dropping, but also in the past month I have been taken off my glaucoma medication and my blood pressure medication has been cut in half. Other conditions that have significantly improved include:
arthritis pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammation, skin conditions, sinus problems, irritable bowel syndrome and constant heartburn (probably GERD.) I can't begin to tell you how nice it is to not be constantly in need of Rolaids, Advil, Excedrin, or a host of other prescription or over-the-counter drugs just to get me through the day. I am eating fresh raw fruits and vegetables and my body is healing itself.

After being freed up from so much pain, you won't be surprised to hear that I am absolutley estatic with how I feel now. It is very difficult to listen to a family member complain about all her physical problems when I know now there is a solution. I will acknowledge that not everyone is ready for this kind of eating plan, but for those who are, I am willing to share my experience so you might figure out what's best for you.

Here is what I ate today:
Breakfast: Green smoothie with an apple, 2 bananas, a collard leaf and a fistful of spinach.
Lunch: 3 Power balls while out running around. (Almond butter, coconut oil, agave nectar, ground flax seeds, sunflower seeds, raisins all rolled in coconut flakes.
Supper: A huge sald with arugula, romaine lettuce, fennel, red bell pepper, avocado, sunflower sprouts, olives, pine nuts, basil, Celtic sea salt, lemon and olive oil.

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