Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dealing With Feelings

It surprised me that I breezed through a two-day out of town trip and barely blinked an eye at SAD food. Heaven knows I certainly had plenty of opportunities for backsliding. Funeral parties seem to be designed to encourage the stuffing of feelings. While I felt I didn't eat enough calories yesterday, I wasn't hungry and didn't go overboard today either. This is a new experience!

I am also surprised that I am functioning so well on so little sleep. Although I am tired, I haven't been sleeping more than about 5 hours a night. Last night was the worst. A terrible windstorm blew all night long and did some damage to our home. I was actually feeling fear that the house was going to collapse. I even noticed that I was feeling the fear in my body. I typically never feel any kind of emotions in my body. I think that being raw for 13 days now is allowing me to feel my body again. I am noticing what my body feels like when it is tired or tense, or any number of other emotions.

Today I ate:
Breakfast: "Museli" with pecans, almonds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, goji berries, an apple, and a banana with almond milk.
Lunch: Big salad with spinach, arugula, a pink grapefruit, an orange, green onions, some pine nuts, and a few capers with a dressing of agave nectar, lemon juice, olive oil, and mustard.
Supper: Green smoothie with a banana, pear, blueberries, spinach and collards.


Unknown said...

It's amazing how your body craves certain things when you're feeling certain emotions... It's almost as if your body needs the nourishment that is offered from the food as a way to feel stronger and better. When looking for "comfort foods" I search on RawPeople for ideas. They not only give me good food options, but support as well.

Karen Schlesinger said...

Thank you, Andrea. I will check out that site. It is a wonder to me that I can feel emotions in my body like this. I have always been too busy eating to notice what my body feels.