Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Detox Symptoms

I woke up this morning feeling really run down. My muscles and joints were aching and I was tired from not being able to sleep from all the pain. I thought my massage therapist might have out done herself yesterday! I finally decided that perhaps I was suffering from a whole lot of detoxification going on throughout my body. So I made the decision to drink a lot of water and fluids today and that seemed to turn things around fairly quickly. By this afternoon I was in high gear with no pain at all.

Here's what I had today:
Breakfast: Ruby Red Ambrosia: a full quart of a juicy elixir of carrots, celery, apple, lemon, ginger root, cucumber and beet.
Lunch: Power balls
Supper: Salad with zucchini, jicama, sprouts, tomatoes, shallots, and olives with a little lemon juice.

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