Friday, March 13, 2009

A Long Day

I have not been on my regular schedule lately. I have been sleeping 2 hours later each day, which is more like 1 hour with the time change. I definitely haven't adjusted yet. It has another effect on the other end of the day too. I haven't been able to get to sleep at a decent time either. Tonight I am taking some melatonin to get to sleep. This morning I did get myself up and got busy with my Body Flex right away. But after running around all day today, I am really whipped tonight.

I need to be up and ready to go tomorrow morning for a full day with Fred Payne. My husband and I both will be in his 2 day Healing and Training Workshop for clearing emotional issues and more. I feel very strongly that clearing a lot of the stuff from my past will allow me to maintain a healthy diet for the rest of my life. I am such an emotional eater, that every little bit helps.

Today's meals were really off.
Breakfast: A small leftover salad with a half of cucumber added.
Lunch: Some salad fixings from Whole Foods' salad bar.
Snack: A few olives and a handful of cashew nuts.
Supper: A little bit of zucchini spaghetti with alfredo sauce and a couple of power balls.

I haven't lost any weight in 2 weeks, but I have lost 4" in the past 6 days thanks to Body Flex!

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