Monday, March 23, 2009

Wolves, Bears & Seals

My energy was good today but not the perfect "10" yesterday was. I am not sure what makes the difference but I will look forward to a time when I jump out of bed every morning and go until bedtime without having to stop and rest for a while. It just occurred to me that most 58 year olds probably don't have that expectation. Maybe really fit ones do, but most of the ones I know don't believe they can grow younger.

I received 2 messages in my inbox today that made me very angry and upset. The first one was from the Defenders of Wildlife. It pushed my blood pressure up a few numbers with the discussion of how Sarah Palin continues the fight for aerial hunting of Alaska's wolves and bears. Personally I would like to see someone aerial hunt Sarah Palin for sport. Oh. Did that remark come out of my mouth?!!! (Sorry, S. I know you voted for her.) That woman is singlehandedly ruining the last American stronghold of wildlife.

The second message was from the Humane Society of the United States regarding Canada's insane, inhumane practice of clubbing baby harp seals to death for their fur. Even with the outcry from other nations, businesses boycotting the Canadian seafood industry, and millions of citizens and organizations from around the world, all joining together as this horror takes place every spring, Canadian officials increased the allowable quota by 5,000 seals that the fisherman are allowed to kill.

An Indian yogi I once studied with expressed his sadness for all the dead raccoons and groundhogs he observed on the sides of the roads in our country and asked, " Do you not think these animals value thier lives as much as you do yours?"

It saddens me that we have such little regard for the rest of the life on our planet. I'm glad I'm a vegan.

Breakfast: 2 power balls.
Lunch: The other half of last night's vegetable salad.
Supper: Zucchini spaghetti with alfredo sauce was quickly abandoned to my husband. I opted instead for a green smoothie with mango, banana, orange, and collards.

Did my Body Flex today.

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