Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Healing Weekend

Fred Payne's Level 1 Healing and Training Workshop blew my socks off! It was designed to introduce students to "a new paradigm of reality and awareness and foster a major enhancement of your personal empowerment over your life, health, spiritual contact and consciousness." No question about it...Fred got 'er done!

I am at a loss for words to describe everything I got out of the past two days with Fred, but I can speak to at least one thing that really makes a difference. I became personally acquainted with my Higher Self. I have heard of a higher self before, but really didn't have any knowledge or experience of this concept. With Fred guiding us through several processes asking us to connect with our higher selves, I began to see that there really was such a thing and that this personal guardian angel has my best interests at heart. Early Sunday morning I did a meditation and sought out my Higher Self. The experience I had left no doubt in my mind that I have never been alone, I have always had this being with me and she has been guiding my footsteps for a long time. I feel like I have a new best friend! And the feeling seems to be mutual. I got a very strong sense that my Higher Self was just as pleased to know that I had found her as I was! It was total love, acceptance and forgiveness. This alone adds a whole new dimension to my meditations.

To be certain, I will be back for more work with this "good 'ole boy from Kentucky!" Fred really is a very charming Southern gentleman who uses a lot of fun and humor in his teachings. His knowledge and wisdom in the spiritual/healing arts was practically demonstrated over and over during the weekend. He shows the utmost respect and humility for his students which forges an immediate bond of trust and his integrity appears to be 100%. I am looking forward to continuing my education with Fred. He has plenty for me to learn.

Just so you know I haven't completely gone off the deep end, here is what I ate over the weekend:

Breakfast: Skipped.
Lunch: A green salad with oil and vinegar, and an orange.
Snack: 3 power balls and an apple
Supper: Salad with avocado, tomato, yellow pepper and lemon juice. I was still hungry so I fixed some corn chowder and gobbled that down too.

Breakfast: Green smoothie with banana, apple, pear, and mango.
Lunch: Big green salad with tomatoes, red onion, red pepper and a Caesar dressing of oil, vinegar, mustard and some seasonings.
Supper: Salad with cucumber, tomato, yellow pepper, oil and vinegar. "Nori rolls" with avocado and cauliflower mixed together for "rice" and red pepper, cucumber, and carrots; all rolled in sheets of nori seaweed and sliced into sushi-sized pieces.

Both days' lunches were at a restaurant with a group of people eating a variety of some of my favorite SAD foods. I am happy to report that I was not tempted in the least to have any of it!

I did not do my Body Flex either day.

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