Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 41

I went to another workshop by Fred Payne this evening. This one was on relationships. Not just the relationship we are in or the one we want, but all relationships including past lovers, past lives, parents, family members, and most importantly, our relationship with ourselves. Funny how any of those from the past can influence the ones we have now.

Aniel Love was there again tonight, radiating light and love like an angel sent straight from the heavens! Again, she did additional work on me and I felt like a tsunami wave hit me! She is a powerful healer, that one.

With all this energy work, I expect to see miraculous changes over the next few months. All of this work causes cells to release toxins and produces a variety of physical detox symptoms. It is all good. The more I detox, the more weight I seem to let go of. Eating raw then becomes secondary to the whole process. It is holistic healing.

One thing I notice every time I step out into public now, is just how old and tired everyone seems to be. I look in the mirror everyday and see improvements in my skin tone and eyes. Even the dark, sunken circles under my eyes have mostly disappeared. They were my badges of sorrow for my aging mother. But as my appearance improves, I am dumbfounded by the sad, pasty-looking faces I see all around me. I keep forgetting what a SAD diet does to the human body. I am so grateful for finding a raw food plan that works for me. I wish more people were open to this way of eating.

Today I had:
Breakfast: Power balls....needed a real boost to get moving today.
Lunch: Green smoothie with banana, apple, blueberries, cucumber, collards, and spinach.
Supper: Zucchini spaghetti.

Did my Body Flex first thing this morning.

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